Florida Medicare Telehealth Claims and Appeals ǀ 150 Years of Experience ǀ Florida Healthcare Law Firm

Contact Florida Healthcare Law Firm for the most experienced legal representation of healthcare professionals and businesses and learn more about our specialties including medicare appeal, telehealth claim and physician self-referral law.

Healthcare professionals have specific legal needs, including medicare telehealth claim concerns that are prevalent now more than ever. This is why the medical community can trust the expert team at Florida Healthcare Law Firm with 150 combined years of experience including compliance, regulatory issues, dental, pharmacy, operations and human resources, launching treatment centers, buying or selling a business, risk evaluation, audit and telemedicine. In the case of telemedicine, which is quickly expanding, we are closely monitoring developing state regulations and recommendations that could change laws to require insurance compliance. Our attorneys keep up to date on key issues that could affect your practice and your vendors and work to advise you with transparency and integrity.

Among the many services Florida Healthcare Law Firm provides is navigation and counsel to help Florida medical professionals understand the ins and outs of the physician self-referral legislation, also known as the federal Stark statute. This law, which prohibits doctors from referring medicare or Medicaid patients to themselves or any other firm with which they have a financial relationship. Our team of legal experts understands the exceptions to this statute, as well as the complexities of liabilities and enforcement. Because medical professionals sometimes unknowingly violate this statute, careful counsel is recommended.

Clearly, physicians in Florida and throughout the U.S. have the right to mount a medicare appeal, and Florida Healthcare Law Firm has the collective experience and knowledge to help them maneuver the process. From surgeons to radiologists and every specialty in between, our legal team has handled complex legal cases throughout the country. We focus exclusively on health- and medicine-related services; consequently our clients can rest assured that we are legal experts in their fields. We offer free consultations and a money-back guarantee that we will exceed your expectations. Let us become part of your team; we will protect you and help you succeed.


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